Saffron Walden Beekeepers - Blogs

News about some of our events.

Sat 16th March 2024


Meeting for all. Update on Asian Hornet. General Q&A. New Beekeepers meet Mentors.
If you have a piece of equipment you use in your beekeeping practice that you couldn't do without please bring along to share.

A number of new beekeepers were able to meet and chat to some more experienced members.
Tony gave an interesting talk on some of the latest methods to be used to discourage the Asian Hornet.
Useful items were discussed. They included tea towels used to cover frames while doing an inspection. Various spices and essential oils to deter ants. A spare lighter, copy of 'Guide to Bees and Honey' by Ted Hooper. A NUC. A queen cage to hold her while marking. A tube of Anthisan for the odd sting. Ergonomically designed scrapers for cleaning hives and frames. A torch for highlighting eggs. A magnifying glass